(716) 842-6289

School Closing Information
WNY Maritime Charter School will report school closings to local television news stations: (Channel 2 News WGRZ, Channel 4 News WIVB, and Channel 7 News WKBW)
WNYMCS will also utilize the automated telephone calling system. Parents and students can expect to receive telephone messages on delayed openings or school closings, as long as their telephone contact information is up-to-date in the district’s system. We will also outline our school protocols on potential COVID-related school closings and our operational system of work and assignment retrieval via our digital/on-line platform. E-Blasts and SMS messages will be sent out to each stakeholder's cell phone as soon as closure determinations are decided. Students can log in to our platform using their credentials with all Google classroom and web-based applications at their fingertips by way of cell phone usage if devices are not available.
Please call the your child's school's main office to update your information, if needed:
Maritime High School Main Office
Maritime Middle School Main Office
(716) 898-2130